
Showing posts from April, 2017


 Yesterday it was ANZAC day. We went to Nanas and pas house. Uncle Joel Uncle Josh was there Xavier and Anty Ang and Uncle Nathan Anty Ruth were there to. We had lunch then we had a play and a talk. Then we watched the AFL  and NRL. We played out side. We had dinner Then we went home.

Good Friday

On Good Friday we went to church. Then we we to Gympie. Anty Natts came with us. We made a rope ladder.  We also saw some Grey Forrester Kangaroos. We had fun!!

Our day

Today we went to the shops. We also packed to go to gympie. Then we went to two librarys.  Then we went to the shops. Then me and mum made dinner. Our friends are coming over for dinner.
Today we went to our cousins house. We played capture the Flag. And had chocolate. Then we went to the shops.  I made a Easter  baskets and rabbits.  

At Our Friends House

Today we went to our friends house.We had some pancakes. We rode on the bikes.  They had some real walkie talkies. Me and Reuben did a show about animals. I had lots of FUN!!

New Farm Park

Yesterday we went to New farm park. There were  lots of food trucks. Our cousins were there as well. Aunty Natts was there as well. I got a hot dog to eat. Aunty Natts gave me a Samurai Kids book! Then  I got a ice cream. Then we went to the park. I had fun!!

Archies Birthday!!

Today is Archies B IR T H DAY. He got a wheely bug and a ball.He rolls the ball around and he likes to push the wheely bug around.We made the cake and iced it.  At night time we had dinner. Then we had some cake. Archie had his first piece of cake. We had so much fun!!

Our Day

Today we went to Ricks BIRTHDAY  party! HE had a eagle cake.  We had lots of fun playing! We climbed up cliffs made dams and played games! We had so much fun!!!

The Movies!

Yesterday we went to the movies! We had some popcorn. We saw the Lego Bat man movie. It was very good. After the movie we went to the park. we had lots of fun!!